Is your home office leaving you totally bummed? Do you wonder how things are going to change in the office? Do you wonder how you can establish a healthy “distancing” work environment?
CMC would like to go over some healthy practices to help set up your home office as well as plan your office GRAND RE-OPENING!
Working from home:Working from home looks to be here to stay for some folks. There are tons of positives in working from home, but there are also some new challenges. We have some suggestions on how to keep your day on schedule and be productive.
- Home office set up is key. Make a pleasant space!
- Maintain regular hours by setting a schedule and stick to it
- Create a morning routine
- Set rules with your family that will be in your space
- Schedule breaks
- Leave home for breaks or lunch
- Take a walk on your break
- Don’t hesitate to ask for what you need to get your job efficiently
- Keep your dedicated office space clean and organized
- Create a separate phone number for business, if possible
- Still communicate with your colleagues
The NEW infection controlled office:What we do know is that our office environment will never be the same. Don’t expect to see the same people that you used to. Most likely, anyone that can be moved to a permanent home office will be. You may be in charge of making those decisions so helping your employees through the change will be key to productivity. If you are the one making those decisions, you may be concerned about how you will implement CDC Guidelines for those employees that will be coming in the office. This process should start with the office furniture. New distancing will be your priority as well as sanitary regulations throughout the entire business. There may even be a need for staggered shifts to accommodate the new safer work space. If you already work in a cubicle environment, precautions must be set up for the safety of all employees. There are tons of new options on social distancing office furniture. Don’t expect to plan crowded meetings and office parties. You may have to abandon your morning chats and water cooler talks based on suggestions from the Center for Disease Control. Hallways may need to become one way as well as making special accommodations for employees with underlying illnesses. Temperature checks and masks will most likely become a normal part of the work day.CMC has been a leader in offering the lastest styles and designs in Office Furniture as well as Healthcare Furniture for over 37 years. We can provide expert assistance on style and choice. ALL of your office needs can be found right here in one place, from that new social distanced cubicle set ups to branded PPE kits for your employees as they return. Please don’t hesitate to contact us at https://cmcdata.com/contact-us/ or call us at 866-249-9348 or 863-644-0617.
*Some of the information presented is drawn from guidelines set out by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Please visit their website for complete guidelines.